Picking a monochromatic color palette means committing to a single color, sure, but true color aficionados won’t shy away from that challenge. Use these monochromatic color schemes as inspiration for creating a single-hued space that feels personalized—just be sure to try before you buy. Get the look: Forever Denim (top left), Rain Dance (top right), and Superior Blue (bottom) by Behr. Get the look: Fondant (top left), Light Quartz (top right), Flush Pink (bottom left), Nursery Pink (bottom right), and Crushed Berries (center) by Benjamin Moore. Get the look: Tibetan Jasmine (top left), Morning Tea (top right), and Upbeat (bottom) by Behr. Get the look: Silver Spring (top left), Temptation (top right), and Black Satin (bottom) by Benjamin Moore. Get the look: Silver Bullet (top left), French Silver (top right), Swirling Water (bottom left), and Gotham Gray (bottom right) by Behr.